Monday, March 28, 2011

Japanese Geisha Girls Tattoos Design

japanese tatoo girls
japanese tattoos women
tattoos design
japanese tattoos design
japanese tattoos pictures
japanese tattoos ideas

japanese tattoo design ideas for girls
Japanese Geisha Girls Tattoos Design Ideas Pictures. Geisha are female entertainers in Japanese nobility. Geisha is a part of Japanese history and culture. If you like please decorate your body with this beautiful woman from japan..!!

quick ones

I've been doing a good amount of one sitting tattoos which is great.  Really good to see a finished tattoo leave the shop once and a while.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ketahuilah Tentang Tattoo Sebelum Anda Membuatnya

tattoo cewek sexyTattoo tubuh sepertinya sudah menjadi hal yang umum saat ini. Bila dahulu tato identik dengan dunia kejahatan, para pelaut & geng motor, maka saat ini tato sudah menjadi hiasan tubuh yang populer & digunakan oleh orang banyak.

Gambar yang digunakan bukan lagi hanya tengkorak, jangkar ataupun kapal perang, tetapi beragam mulai dari lambang tradisonal, design tumbuhan/hewan ataupun simbol pribadi untuk mengekspresikan diri.

Bila termasuk salah seorang yang berniat untuk membuat tattoo tubuh, maka sebelum pergi ke studio tattoo & membuat tattoo, sebaiknya perhatikan dulu beberapa hal berikut ini.

Tattoo sendiri adalah luka dari tusukan, yang dibuat didalam kulit & kemudian diberi tinta. Tattoo dibuat dengan cara menusukkan jarum ke kulit & kemudian dimasukkan tinta ke wilayah tersebut.

Yang membuat tattoo menjadi tahan lama, adalah karena tinta tersebut dimasukkan bukan kedalam epidermis (lapisan teratas kulit yang, sering mengelupas & diproduksi lagi seumur hidup). Melainkan, tattoo dibuat dengan tinta yang dimasukkan kedalam lapisan dermis (lapisan kedua kulit), sel pada dermis cenderung lebih tetap, sehingga membuat tattoo menjadi permanen.

Menurut AAD (The American Academy of Dermatology) terdapat 5 jenis tato menurut fungsi & proses terjadinya, yaitu sebagai berikut :

Tattoo akibat bekas luka
Biasanya disebabkan karena adanya debu atau serpihan didalam kulit, sehingga akan timbul pigmentasi setelah lukanya sembuh. Tattoo ini biasanya terjadi karena luka akibat kecelakaan di jalan raya.

Tattoo amatir
Biasanya dibuat sendiri atau oleh teman & tidak terlalu mengedepankan fungsi artistiknya. Cara yang biasa dipakai adalah dengan menggoreskan jarum/peniti yang sudah diberi tinta kedalam kulit. Untuk pewarna yang bisa digunakan, dapat berupa tinta india, tinta pulpen, arang atau abu.

Tattoo profesional
Tattoo profesional dapat dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, tato modern & tato etnik. Tattoo etnik biasanya dibuat dengan metode etnik tertentu yang diwariskan secara turun temurun, seperti misalnya pada masyarakat dayak atau di pulau pasifik. Sedangkan tato modern, dibuat dengan menggunakan alat khusus pembuat tattoo, di studio tattoo oleh seniman tattoo. Pigmentasi yang terjadi dapat bervariasi melalui penggunaan beragam warna pada tattoo yang dibuat.

Tattoo medis
Biasanya digunakan untuk menggambar area tubuh yang akan diradiasi. Tattoo medis biasanya dilakukan oleh dokter.

Tattoo kecantikan
Digunakan untuk membuat make-up permanen, seperti eye liner, lip liner, lipstick, alis mata & rambut. Tattoo kosmetik juga dapat digunakan untuk menggambar puting payudara setelah melakukan operasi payudara, menyamarkan vitiligo (kelainan pigmen warna pada kulit) atau menutupi tato yang tidak diinginkan.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tattoo Lebah untuk Cewek

Tattoo Lebah

Ada kebiasaan cewek meletakkan tattoo lebah di belakang daun kuping

Tattoo Lebah

Tattoo Lebah

Baby Tiger Tattoo Design On The Body Cool Girls

Baby Tiger Tattoo Design
Baby Tiger Tattoo Design
Tattoos Design for girls
The Body Cool Girls
Baby Tiger Tattoo
Baby Tiger Tattoo pict
Baby Tiger Tattoo wallpaper
Tiger Tattoos
Cool Tattoos design
Baby Tiger Tattoo Design On The Body Cool Girls. Tiger Tattoos For You.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Round Design Tatoos For Girls

Unique Tattoos pict
Round Design Tatoos
Round Design Tatoos
Round Design Tatoos
tatoos pictures
Coll Design Tatoos
Tatoos For Girls
Round Design Tatoos For Girls. Round designs tattoo tattoo designs for girls is unique. lots of tattoo designs which vary but are round tattoo designs are rarely encountered. This tattoo design is well suited untu round you want to look for a different and unique designs.

Tattoos designs combined into a beautiful and cool, blend between design drawings of flowers, the sun etc. If you love to please you save these photos for your reference.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

American Tattoo And Celebrity Styles

American Tattoo And Celebrity Styles

tattoo eagle
tattoo eagle

haida eagle tattoo design
 tattoo eagle 
Many of the smaller varieties can also make for fascinating eagle tattoos
Many of the smaller varieties can also make for fascinating eagle tattoos.

American Tattoo And Celebrity Styles

American Tattoo And Celebrity Styles

tattoo eagle
tattoo eagle

haida eagle tattoo design
 tattoo eagle 
Many of the smaller varieties can also make for fascinating eagle tattoos
Many of the smaller varieties can also make for fascinating eagle tattoos.

Cool Unique Tattooz

Cool Unique Tattoos

Cool Unique Tattoos

Tattooing is not a new concept. It is just a new fashion. The fashion cycle moves in a uniform direction and therefore the tattooing as a recent trend has re-emerged. But before that it is important to understand the genesis of tattoos.
From the Polynesian perspective i.e. the word ‘ta” means something attractive and the other from Tahitian perspective which means to emboss something. As discussed earlier, tattoo is not a new concept. In the earlier times the flag of a particular clan was marked on individual bodies to distinguish the members of a family or a society. It prevented inter mingling of people and therefore this identification helped in many ways. In Japan also the tattooing culture was prevalent in the Paleolithic era.
Cool Unique Tattoos
It is seen that tats have a wide range of designs. They may vary from simple to complex designs depicting some form of passion for nature, immediate surroundings and environment. Before getting a tattooing done one must first gather an in depth knowledge of tattoos. Further, a design must be selected in accordance with the needs and desires that suit the personality as well. However, there is an option of getting a temporary tat done in case one is too conscious about the final result. A person who is highly professional should be consulted for getting the tat embossed on the body. The design selected should have some flexibility so that in the years to come the design can be modified as monotony can occur with the same design. In case one has some kind of skin allergies, prior to tattooing a skin specialist should be consulted.

Cool Unique Tattoos
Tattoos can be gender specific. Tattoo design for women could be cupids, butterflies, flowers, fairy etc. On the other hand for males, dragons, cross, Celtic, lion tats are some of the options.
Cool Unique Tattoos
Tattoos can also depict a story. These are unique tattoos that can be made by clubbing different designs in order to form one design. A vigilant use of designs must be done by consulting some professionals and online catalogsthat provide a fair idea about this.
girl taurus tattoos, heart eyeball tattoo, tatto cupid temporary, taurus tattoo in girl,taurus tattoos for women, unique Tattoo designs
women tatoo.